
As soon as we have an opening date for our workrooms we’ll add details of our classes here. We’re planning needlework, crochet, knitting, sewing, quilting, jewellery, paper crafts, screen printing, leatherwork and lots lots more. Let us know if there is anything you’d like us to include.

Sign up to our newsletter to be notified when we launch our class schedule.

If you are interested in teaching classes for us we’d love to hear from you .

As soon as we have an opening date for our workrooms we’ll add details of our classes here. We’re planning needlework, crochet, knitting, sewing, quilting, jewellery, paper crafts, screen printing, leatherwork and lots lots more. Let us know if there is anything you’d like us to include.

Sign up to our newsletter to be notified when we launch our class schedule.

If you are interested in teaching classes for us we’d love to hear from you .

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